In everyday conversation, we all say things offhandedly that
we don’t mean or wouldn’t want to communicate if we thought more about the
implications of those words and phrases. I’ve started noticing some of these
idioms and I’ve started to interrogate them.
And I mean interrogate in the most
dramatic sense of the word: I’m staring these words and phrases down and
deciding whether or not they belong in my vocabulary and my life.
One of my internal tests is “is there an ‘opposite’ gender
equivalent? If not, you’re gone!”
Here’s a few I’ve banished or am working on eradicating from
my daily discourse:
1. “Be a man” or “man
There’s not one way to be a man and I’m sure I don’t know
how to be one. I am sure, however, that
these expressions are thoroughly sexist and unfair to both men and women. Where
is this Platonic ideal of manhood we’re comparing men to? These kind of phrases
presuppose a normative definition of masculinity that is sexist and outdated.
“Be a man” or “man up” are actually code for any combination of “don’t show
weakness,” “don’t show emotion,” and “please uphold a narrow and normative
definition of maleness based on machismo strength” or, “don’t be woman-like”
(automatically raising all woman-ish qualities as inferior to man-ish ones and
ultimately undesirable).
I’ve noticed, lately, some prostate cancer awareness commercials telling men to “man up” and go get checked. I appreciate that, statistically,
perhaps men are less willing to go to the doctor for screenings than women, and
particularly keen to avoid something so invasive. The intentions are good –
encourage men to get checked and catch cancer early, and do it by appealing to
men’s internalized notions of “being a man.”
We don’t tell women, however, to
“woman up” to go get screened for breast cancer or ovarian cancer. And I’m sorry – how does a
man’s prostate exam require strength and manliness while my breast exam (being
medically groped) or pap test is considered easy? Until ads tell me to “be a woman” or
“woman up,” I’m not into the male version.
This is less about pointing out
that being a woman isn’t valued or exalted in the same way and more about
pointing out how unfair and ridiculously sexist it is to reify traditional
notions of masculinity, completely limiting and prescribing the range of
acceptable behaviours for the male-identified.
2. “Rape” – used in
any other context than sexual assault
“The government is raping our resources.” “We’re going to
get raped in the playoffs.”
Sadly, rape is used in all kind of contexts to describe
violently taking something from someone else.
Now, the Oxford English Dictionary does list as the secondary definition
of rape: “The wanton destruction or spoiling of a place: the rape of the countryside,” however, the prevailing cultural
connotation of the word rape is unequivocally one of sexual assault of a person by another person. So talking
about resources and lands getting raped is extremely insensitive. It lessens the meaning of a word that matters, because rape victims matter. Don’t throw the word rape around.
3. “Man-whore”
This commentary is skipping over all the reasons I don’t
like the word “whore” (pssst I don’t like the word whore) and jumping right to all
the problems with the term “man-whore.” First of all, don’t say man-whore – say
whore, if you must. That dude is a _______.
Why man-whore? Is “whore” one of few
generics where woman is the default and the modifier man is needed when it’s a
man? Mankind, spokesman, manning the fort – man, man, man. Yet when we come to
the label whore, we can somehow assume it’s a woman, because promiscuity is
historically intertwined with femaleness.
So while man-whore may seem like a win for
applying a derogatory word to both genders, it’s not. Linguistically, it only
serves to reinforce women’s sexuality as deviant and shameful.
The same goes for “slut.” I’m as bothered by women calling other women sluts as I am by men saying it. Most of the time when people use the word slut they aren’t even referring to a woman's alleged sexual promiscuity; it’s her clothing, her demeanor – something entirely divorced from and irrelevant to her number of sexual partners. As though that’s up to you to police, anyway.
4. “Bitch”
When we call women bitches, we’re usually criticizing a few
specific characteristics. Here are just a few that come to mind:
- assertiveness
- feistiness
- self-assuredness
- competitiveness
- no-nonsense, calling-you-on-your-bullshit-ness
- not-interested-in-you-ness
Yet, somehow, when we call men bitches we’re actually
comparing them to women, yet in none of the aforementioned ways. Somehow,
calling a man a bitch suggests that he is weak, small, afraid, effeminate,
un-masculine. So, in essence, the term is doubly offensive to women.
I’m not advocating for “proper” derogatory terms – mean
names are mean. But I’d rather be called a jerk or an ass than a bitch.
This term is the one I’m most self-conscious about. As those
who know me know, I’ve never been much for name-calling rampages, but I have
referred to people as bitchy or bitches. This is something I hope to never do
again if I can help it.
5. “Grow some balls,”
“grow a pair,” and “ballsy”
Do we say grow some ovaries? (Hey mom, grow some ovaries and
tell me to my face!) No. And using “grow some balls” to women isn’t the
solution. That isn’t gender equality. No matter who you say it to, the expression still
holds balls – testicles, of all earthly things – up as a pinnacle of strength and
fearlessness. No thanks. I may be all the things you infer when you say “ballsy” but I'll take another adjective.
Once you start defamiliarizing what we say and how we say
it, our colloquial speech can leave a lot to be desired.
Wow. It may have taken 2 years to get a comment, but I am profoundly glad you wrote this.