So what am I researching for
my MA degree, anyway?
Once you’ve become really
invested and fascinated by a topic or network of topics and interests it’s hard
to remember the period before immersion – un-knowledge and non-interest. In my
second undergraduate English course, 1103 – Poetry, taken in 2006, I was
enthralled by the depiction of beauty and eroticism – especially, transgressive
or illicit eroticism, such as bestiality and pederasty, and the pornographic
elements in Marlowe’s long narrative poem Hero
and Leander.
This was the start of a slow
and steady growing fixation on literary depictions of sexual “perversity” or
strangeness. My growing interest, academically and personally, in feminist and gender
studies, queer theory, and most recently, trans studies, has been a great
complement to this interest in literature.
This interest has taken me
from analyzing the anthropomorphic goblin men of Rossetti’s “Goblin Market” to understand
how the goblins, whose masculinity is evident and reinforced, are construed as
animals to render the vicious attack on the young Lizzie more of a monstrous
fantastical attack by fairy-tale beasts rather than a violent rape sequence by
human men, to examining how Irving’s Ichabod Crane in “The Legend of Sleepy
Hollow” is more interested in the delicious dainties of the Dutch tea table
than women, and defers his sexual desire from females to food. I've also worked extensively on the depiction of pseudo-lesbian desire and forms of literal and metaphorical sisterhood in "Goblin Market."
My current project is
exploring the genesis of nineteenth-century American urban gothic fiction in a
web of other literary modes and sources. This kind of literature in the 1840s
is influenced by and connected to gothic fiction, crime fiction, sensation
fiction, and pornography. Also called “city mysteries” fiction, the American
urban gothic of the 1840s is horrific, violent, sensational, moralizing, titillating
and erotic. Based on a desire to reveal the “mysteries and miseries” of
burgeoning metropolises, such as Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, this genre
is the gothic transplanted from haunted castles and manors and country sides
into the mysterious, confusing, and alienating cityscape. This fiction depicts subterranean spaces, sewers, dark vaults, and secret chambers as the literal seedy underbelly of the city, and the hub of a city's debauched activity.
From this already very blended urban
gothic genre comes a further refinement or sub-genre, what critic J. V.
Ridgeley has called the porno-gothic – and that’s my interest.
I’m specifically interested
in antebellum writer George Thompson, who wrote cheap, pulpy, sensational city
mysteries stories and novels revealing the “secret crimes of great cities” and
taking the uninitiated reader on a virtual tour of the urban underworld,
revealing the twisted lives, schemes, and woes of thieves, murderers,
prostitutes, adulteresses, and sinful clergy – to name a few of his stock
Critic David S. Reynolds suggests that
“George Thompson ... has the dubious
distinction of having written the most purely disgusting novels in pre-Civil
War America
(Beneath the American Renaissance). Need I explain how fun and engrossing I find this project?
I’m focusing on Thompson’s novels Venus in Boston and City Crimes (both 1849) and their compelling and fascinating depictions of transgressive female sexuality and its ideological linkage to criminality and depravity.
I’m also drawing upon the
paradigmatic urban gothic novel, George Lippard’s The Quaker City; or The Monks of Monk Hall (1845) to help me define
the genre and its influences and look at the roles of horror, eroticism,
physical (transgressive, hidden, and illicit) space, and narrative dynamic.
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