The tension between gender norms and gender analysis /
activism affects me in this way: as most people who know me know, I am all
about the atypical. At times, you could
even call me a contrarian. By no means a gender traditionalist, except,
perhaps, in appearance, in that my appearance is typically female and
“feminine,” it would not surprise most to know that:
- I never, ever plan to change my surname to that of my
(potential future) husband’s (to use a Seinfeldian phrase, “not that there’s
anything wrong with that” – and I mean that, I’m not judging, it’s just not for
- I believe in deciding on the surname of children, as
opposed to assuming that they take the father’s.- I love gender neutral / androgynous names, and feel inclined to name my future children as such.
- I don’t believe in girl colours and boy colours – I believe in colours, and they’ve at times come to be associated with different genders.

The photos of the above child are both me, but you could be convinced that the one on the left is a boy and the one on the right is a girl. But I was two-years-old, I had no real gender.
These ruminations on the contradictions of gendered children’s fashion is really just a segue for a topic I’ve been thinking a lot about: gendered greeting cards. I like to imagine that ALL greeting card writers are as sensitive and quirky as Joseph Gordon-Levitt in 500 Days of Summer, but since that’s unlikely, I accept that it’s an industry that appeals to certain mass assumptions about gender and gender relations.
On a recent glance through a typical greeting card selection
in a supermarket, I gave a second look to things that we all already know about
how these products are displayed. You don’t have to be able to pick out the
text to know, just know, which section is “for girls” and which is “for boys.” We
are simply conditioned to read the codes, the codes of colour, content, and
themes that situate one message and image as appropriate for a girl child and another
as appropriate for a boy child.
I have mixed feelings about all of this. My immediate
reaction, in keeping with my distaste for (what feels now, in 2014, to be
arbitrary and silly) gender coding causes me to be annoyed by this stuff.
Number one, at a certain age the cards aren’t even really for the kids, they’re
for the parents. Do the kids care what the cards say? Number two, are the kids
even going to be impacted one way or another by the gender coding of the card?
Maybe. But it seems silly to be to continue to perpetuate mythical gender
expectations onto children in a day and age when we are, as a society, largely
aware and often even accepting of the fact that there are many options for boy
and girl children to experience their gendered selves.
So what do I get from a randomly selected “girl” card?
I see:
- pink and purple
- cat in a throne and crown
- cake
- emphasis on princesses / queens (“a crown just for you!”)
- jewels and sparkles
- “little lady”
Note, this card is for a two-year-old, so they’re not
reading any of this, anyway.
And what do I get from a randomly selected “boy” card?
I see:
- a pig
- the pig is in a labcoat and has a microscope (is science
for boys? Are boys pigs?)
- the colour blue
- in the interior, the word “awesome” (as opposed to pretty,
cute, or more typically girly compliments)
- the greeting doesn’t even throw in a “happy birthday
little man” or something similar - just “awesome one.” Most of the “girl” cards I looked
at had a more direct reference to the recipient of the greeting AS FEMALE.
Interestingly, except for the fact that this card is listed
as FOR BOYS, I get nothing gendered from it, except the absence of overt
female gendering.
An overview of this
particular girl section shows me Disney princesses, teddy bears, cars, Minnie
Mouse, Happy Feet* (…), and Justin Bieber.
*Mumble, the protagonist from Happy Feet, is a boy.
So, am I criticizing little girls liking pink and ponies? Not at all. You never saw a kid prouder than me lining up my My Little Ponies. But I would then switch to my medieval Lego sets and capture dragons with Lego knights on Lego horses. It’s not about traditionally female gendered toys or norms being inherently negative, because they’re not. As a 26-year-old adult, I love pink, flowers, ponies, lace - many “girly” things. My problem is the socially enforced mandating of what constitutes boy and girl, male and female interests and thus behaviour. My problem is any parent teaching their child that there’s toys for boys and toys for girls, and those toys are different.
*Mumble, the protagonist from Happy Feet, is a boy.
So, am I criticizing little girls liking pink and ponies? Not at all. You never saw a kid prouder than me lining up my My Little Ponies. But I would then switch to my medieval Lego sets and capture dragons with Lego knights on Lego horses. It’s not about traditionally female gendered toys or norms being inherently negative, because they’re not. As a 26-year-old adult, I love pink, flowers, ponies, lace - many “girly” things. My problem is the socially enforced mandating of what constitutes boy and girl, male and female interests and thus behaviour. My problem is any parent teaching their child that there’s toys for boys and toys for girls, and those toys are different.
I plan to have children,
and I plan to let them play with normatively gendered toys, but I will never
let them assume that to do otherwise would be abnormal.
It may seem trivial, but a greeting card store / aisle is really a fascinating and disturbing microcosm of the messages we write about ourselves as gendered beings, especially how we control how our littlest gendered beings – children – understand themselves and others in a gendered world.
It may seem trivial, but a greeting card store / aisle is really a fascinating and disturbing microcosm of the messages we write about ourselves as gendered beings, especially how we control how our littlest gendered beings – children – understand themselves and others in a gendered world.
Zaren. Can you please write a book so that I can have something to read? :)